Inspired by the Earth goddess Gaia, mother of all life on Earth, Human, Plant and Animal.
Our Gaia Collection promotes deep connection between all living things, and a harmonic coexistence between ourselves and all the world around us.
Energetically Gaia embodies grounding, abundance, tranquility, peace, self-discovery and personal growth. Let her act as a reminder to breathe deep. Slow the racing pace we often become stuck in. Take in the small pleasures all around us, and allow tranquility to flow.
Above all else Gaia is a Mother, nurturing, gentle, and loving of all her children. She is a symbol of fertility and birthing, not just in the sense of childbirth, but in birthing of new ideas, new ventures and new ideals.
Every piece in this collection has been carefully curated, chosen for their resonance with the energies above. Our hope is to provide you with Gaia's Healing through the stones, and every piece will be sent blessed with this intention.
This is an exclusive limited release collection and will not be restocked once sold out.